Wednesday, October 1, 2008


I feel like my head is going to explode.

I wish my life was like an Andrew W.K. video.

Found this in an older journal thing...

Ok honestly, my whole life, I've put up somewhat of a front. I act funny and sarcastic to mask insecurity (not all of the time, but most). I think it all stemmed from growing up as a fat kid. Its kind of the Chris Farley syndrome... Make fun of yourself before they can make fun of you. I've almost always been aware of this, so its not like I sat in my room and had a long period of self reflection to realize it. I mean, I sometimes actually am funny and sarcastic and not doing it to deter people from getting to know the "deeper me", but not the majority of the time. The majority of the time I'm shy, pensive, and dorky.

I'm really a bookworm and a music nerd and I really dig Mystery Science Theater 3000.
I talk to my animals more than any one person should.
I write probably a full journal a month, pages filled with stupid observations/theories and dreams.
I watch the History Channel/Discovery Health Channel/The Learning Channel more than anyone ever should.
I've seen and experienced terrible things, but I wouldn't change anything about my past. My past has made me tough and compassionate and made me realize how strong I really am. There's nothing and no one who could ever break me.
I get teary-eyed when I see roadkill and I want to save every animal in the entire world. The fact that I can't save them all breaks my heart every day.
I actually do care about falling in love even though I'll deny it forever.
I feel things very deeply even though I act like my heart is made of cement.
I really like cheesy horror movies and kung fu movies make me oh so happy.
I'm confident even though some people don't think I should be.
When I was little I wanted to grow up to be a super hero and a part of me always will.